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corporation accounting中文是什么意思

用"corporation accounting"造句"corporation accounting"怎么读"corporation accounting" in a sentence


  • 公司会计


  • The progress of accounting information system brings all operator of corporation finance and researcher of corporation account new idea, new concept and new knowledge
  • The article tries to discuss method and theoretic of the establishment of the corporation accounting information system . the author makes an effort to advance the resourceful work of corporation accounting information system of our country
  • The article tries to discuss method and theoretic of the establishment of the corporation accounting information system . the author makes an effort to advance the resourceful work of corporation accounting information system of our country
  • The third chapter compares our segment report with the international convention . iasb and fasb revised segment report standard in 1997 . the treasury department set down < < corporation account standard-- segment report > > in 11 / 10 / 2001, plan to put in practice in 1 / 1 / 2003 . the article introduces the international new standard " s character . anticipates to help for establishing our standard
  • The second chapter talks about financial report information outside report . at first talks about different account policy, different account standard " s influence on list corporation account information, the typical example is our b share list corporation account information has difference because of adopting our homeland account standard or international account standard . all indicate the importance and necessity of the information outside report; because our list corporation is originated from the former state owned enterprises, associated transaction is frequent, talks about our list corporation associated transaction shortage, then compares the difference on associated transaction information exposure, at last analyses the exposure difference between our list corporation and american list corporation
  • The second chapter talks about financial report information outside report . at first talks about different account policy, different account standard " s influence on list corporation account information, the typical example is our b share list corporation account information has difference because of adopting our homeland account standard or international account standard . all indicate the importance and necessity of the information outside report; because our list corporation is originated from the former state owned enterprises, associated transaction is frequent, talks about our list corporation associated transaction shortage, then compares the difference on associated transaction information exposure, at last analyses the exposure difference between our list corporation and american list corporation
  • Our country s actual insurance company accounting system is < financial corporation accounting system >, which accord with the demand of the supervision . there is no formal insurance accounting standards . with the development of insurance 、 the international fluxion of capital 、 the insurance companies coming into the foreign market, which financial reporting standards will accord with the demand of investors and public, become a focus of insurance companies s financial reporting
用"corporation accounting"造句  


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